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福州大學汪少蕓教授、袁毅副教授等人在Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 發表了標題為“Noncovalent interactions between biomolecules facilitated their application in food emulsions’ construction: A review”的文章,綜述了常見的生物分子乳化劑、生物分子間非共價相互作用對不同生物分子基乳液構建的促進作用和對乳液性能的積極影響,以及它們在生物分子乳液構建中的局限性和前景。總之,未來食品乳液的設計和開發將越來越依賴于生物分子之間的非共價相互作用。然而,為了充分利用這些相互作用來構建基于生物分子的乳液,還需要投入更多的工作。


汪少蕓教授,2006—2009年在美國威斯康星大學和美國加州大學戴維斯分校從事博士后研究,入選全國三八紅旗手、國家“萬人計劃”科技創新領軍人才、科技部中青年科技創新領軍人才、省A類高層次人才、省高層次創新人才、省科技創新領軍人才。擔任國家食品科學與工程“一流專業”負責人、省食品與生物工程“一流學科”帶頭人、省食品科學重點學科帶頭人、省海洋功能制品綠色制造“2011協同創新中心”主任、省海洋生物資源行業技術基地主任。擔任Food Science of Animal Products科學主編,Food Science and Human WellnessJournal of Future FoodsHans Journal of Food and Nutrition Science、《食品科學》和《食品工業科技》編委;擔任中國食品科技學會理事會理事、福建省食品科技學會副理事長、《中外食品技術》首批翻譯專家。主持承擔省部級以上項目30余項。編寫著作6 部,獲授權發明專利53 件,發表學術論文230 篇,其中被SCI/EI收錄180余篇,多篇論文獲中國食品學會創新科技論文獎和福建省自然科學優秀論文一等獎。主持成果獲國際食品功能因子(ICoFF)學術大會獎、中國產學研合作創新成果一等獎、全國食品產學研創新發展優秀科研成果獎一等獎、福建省科技進步一等獎、中國石油和化學工業聯合會科技進步一等獎、福建省自然科學二等獎、福建省科技進步二等獎;獲評中國食品科技學會科技創新-杰出青年、寶鋼優秀教師、盧嘉錫優秀導師、福建省優秀教師、福建省優秀科技工作者。

Noncovalent interactions between biomolecules facilitated their application in food emulsions' construction: A review

Yi Yuan1, Congrong Chen1, Xinyi Guo1, Bing Li2, Ni He2, Shaoyun Wang1

1College of Biological Science and Engineering, Fujian Engineering Research Center of Marine Biological Product Green Manufacturing, FuzhouUniversity, Fuzhou, P. R. China

2School of Food Science and Engineering, Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Green Processing of Natural Products and Product Safety, Ministryof Education Engineering Research Center of Starch & Protein Processing, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, P. R. China


The use of biomolecules, such as proteins, polysaccharides, saponins, and phospholipids, instead of synthetic emulsifiers in food emulsion creation has generated significant interest among food scientists due to their advantages of being nontoxic, harmless, edible, and biocompatible. However, using a single biomolecule may not always meet practical needs for food emulsion applications. Therefore, biomolecules often require modification to achieve ideal interfacial properties. Among them, noncovalent interactions between biomolecules represent a promising physical modification method to modulate their interfacial properties without causing the health risks associated with forming new chemical bonds. Electrostatic interactions, hydrophobic interactions, and hydrogen bonding are examples of noncovalent interactions that facilitate biomolecules' effective applications in food emulsions. These interactions positively impact the physical stability, oxidative stability, digestibility, delivery characteristics, response sensitivity, and printability of biomolecule-based food emulsions. Nevertheless, using noncovalent interactions between biomolecules to facilitate their application in food emulsions still has limitations that need further improvement. This review introduced common biomolecule emulsifiers, the promotion effect of noncovalent interactions between biomolecules on the construction of emulsions with different biomolecules, their positive impact on the performance of emulsions, as well as their limitations and prospects in the construction of biomolecule-based emulsions. In conclusion, the future design and development of food emulsions will increasingly rely on noncovalent interactions between biomolecules. However, further improvements are necessary to fully exploit these interactions for constructing biomolecule-based emulsions.


Yuan, Y., Chen, C., Guo,X., Li, B., He, N., & Wang, S. (2024). Noncovalentinteractions between biomolecules facilitated theirapplication in food emulsions’ construction: Areview. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science andFood Safety, 23, 1–23.


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